The Club ran a very successful trout fishing tournament today (Sunday 23rd June) to honour the memory of a very well liked past member, and a very good angler; Alex McNamara (RIP). Our deepest sympathy goes out to his Mum & Dad and all the family as well as his large circle of friends at their sad loss. May he rest in peace.

The weather was glorious and there was a great turn-out. The family and close friends of Alex did most of the organising and acquiring of Sponsorship – and were kindly helped out by some of our Club members in setting up the rods, allocating the boats, weighing the trout and assisting with the administration.

Some fine fish upwards of 50cm were recorded and all were successfully released following Weigh-master measuring. See the photos attached of all the winners

Aaron McCann with 1st Place on the day
Marco coming in 2nd place
Freddy taking 3rd place
4th Place
Presentation to Alex’s Mam in His Memory