Bleach Lough Anglers

Contact Information

Registered Address

Bleach Lough Anglers Ltd
Ballinacarriga Kildimo Co. Limerick

Emergency Contact Details

Emergency (Ambulance, Fire, Gardai) 112 or 999
Coastguard (Helicopter) 112 or 999 -> ask for Coastguard
Garda Station, Askeaton 061-601630061-601630
Regional Hospital, Limerick 061-301111
Askeaton Medical Centre 061-392267
Shannon Doc: 1850-212999

Contact Us

If you would like to contact Bleach Lough Anglers Club please click on our Phone Number, or fill in our Contact Form on this page. We will be back in touch with you as soon as possible.
Chairman: Dave Buston ; Mobile: 085-7418010
Secretary: Arthur Windrim 083-8358569            
Treasurer: Donal O’Flynn ; Mobile: 086-2795400      
Safety Officer: Aidan Fitzpatrick; Mobile: 086-7379717      
Head Waterkeeper:  Mobile: 089-2381977
Boat Bookings :  Mobile: 089-2381977 or 089-4470392
